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How To Choose The Right Identity As A Service Provider

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Choosing the right identity as a service provider to work with can be a daunting task if you are looking for a more robust identity and access management platform. The following are some of the important questions you need to ask yourself in order to make your selection easier.

First of all, you need to ask yourself if the solution that the prospective identity as a service provider is offering works with all applications. A lot of enterprise-level organizations tend to take a hybrid approach to business applications – they host some applications on premise and others in the cloud. Reconciling identity and access as management across these applications can be a huge challenge, especially when legacy solutions that are involved or users need seamless access from a wide array of devices.

If you use applications that are built on numerous platforms, for instance a mix of Linux and Windows, software, then you face further difficulties when selecting an IDaaS solution. No matter where the applications are hosted or accessed, you need to make sure that the solution that you will choose will simplify integration between systems and applications and ensure a unified user experience.

Another question you should ask yourself when choosing an identity as a service provider is how identities will be managed and verified. If you are in an industry that requires detailed access and security policies, you need to choose IDaaS solution that feature tools for managing identities in varied use cases.

Access requirements within your business may change as new applications devices and users are added, or third party partnerships are formed. You need to make sure that each user can access the necessary resources without the need for signing into each application separately.

For more tips on how to choose the right identity as a service provider, visit our website at