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The Benefits of Biometric Identification  

· Technology
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Biometric identification is one of the technologies you should consider implementing in your business if you want to secure your data and business systems. If you have ever unlocked your mobile device with your finger, scanned your face to see the amount of money in your bank’s app, or yelled "Hey Alexa" to find out how long to cook an egg, you have used your biometrics. Biometrics fall into one of two categories, namely physiological and behavioral.

One of the benefits of using biometrics for identity verification for digital onboarding is high security and assurance. Biometrics provide high levels of assurance to providers that a person is real by verifying a tangible, real-world trait as something the user has as well as something the user is. Most user’s PINs and passwords and personal identifying information have likely been compromised with a data breach, which means that billions of accounts can be accessed by fraudsters who retain the answers to traditional authentication methods.

When you introduce biometric authentication into the process, it can add in a roadblock for fraudsters that only a real, authorized user can circumnavigate. While a fraudster may know a person uses their dog’s name and some lucky numbers for most of their online accounts, they cannot use their fingerprint to unlock an account if they cannot provide it on the spot. Moreover, biometric security can only be provided by living, breathing people. Right now, a robot would have a hard-time passing an iris scan.

Another benefit of biometric identification is that user experience is convenient and fast. Even though the internal process for biometric authentication is technical, from a user’s point of view, it is very easy and quick. Putting a finger on a scanner and unlocking an account in seconds is faster compared to typing out a long password that has multiple special characters. Additionally, forgetting a password is a common mistake of most users. You will never forget your own biometrics.

For more information on the benefits of biometric identification, visit our website at